PragerU Stories of Us

Adrienne Johnson: Why I Am No Longer an Atheist

PragerU Director of Communications Adrienne Johnson was once a cynical atheist, struggling to find meaning and purpose in ways that left her feeling even more adrift and alone. After hitting rock bottom, she learned that it’s never too late to take responsibility and change your life. Adrienne shares her powerful personal story of how finding faith in God gave her a second chance at life.

The 700 Club on CBN

Total Freedom from Sex and Love Addiction

Adrienne Johnson pursued love through relationships, one-night stands, and intellectual pursuits. Still coming up empty, it was while attending a performance of C.S. Lewis’ The Screwtape Letters that her eyes were finally opened to the truth of the lusts of the world and the one who could truly satisfy her every need.

CBN News

Hostile Atheist Who Was Suicidally Depressed and Desperately Lost Finds Jesus

Adrienne Johnson was once a fierce atheist who found herself lost, struggling, and "suicidally depressed” until she hit rock bottom, discovered Jesus, and saw her life transform before her very eyes.

A Christian Perspective with Matthew Tingblad

Why Many Jews Are Opposed to Christianity

As Christians, we should be ready to talk about our faith with Jews, and we should know why Jews are often opposed to Christianity, and how to reach them. In this video, Adrienne Johnson shares her story growing up in a Jewish home and her experience becoming a Christian.

Still Standing Podcast with Shannon Torrence

From Darkness to Faith: Recovery from Sex and Love Addiction

Adrienne candidly shares her tumultuous past as a chain-smoking, tattoo-covered, sexually promiscuous, suicidally depressed atheist. Against all odds, she discovered a profound connection to Christianity and the teachings of Jesus Christ, leading to a transformative healing process.

One America News Network (OAN)

PragerU launched ‘PREP’ educational platform

PragerU unveiled its online community designed for parents and educators who are frustrated with what they're seeing in America's education system. One America's Stephanie Myers spoke with the chief of staff and lead of the PREP platform at PragerU, Adrienne Johnson, to learn more about the program.

A Christian Perspective with Matthew Tingblad

Why is New Age attractive? A former insider shares her story.

Why is Spiritual But Not Religious (SBNR, or New Age) so attractive to people, and how do we help them understand Christianity? In this video, former New Ager Adrienne Johnson shares part of her story, why she was drawn into New Age, and what convinced her to get out.

Choose Life Radio

Adrienne Johnson on Christian talk radio with Jill Taylor

PragerU Chief of Staff Adrienne Johnson was once a cynical atheist. Her parents gave her a wide-birth in making decisions which caused her to struggle to find meaning and purpose in life. As she grew up, she found herself feeling even more adrift and alone. After hitting rock bottom, she learned that it’s never too late to take responsibility and change your life. Adrienne shares her powerful personal story of how finding faith in God gave her a second chance at life.

C.S. Lewis Institute

The Side B Stories – Adrienne Johnson

Former skeptic Adrienne Johnson embraced anything but God in her life until her drive to discover truth led her to belief.

In the Market with Janet Parshall

Adrienne Johnson: Why I Am Not An Atheist

Hear the story of how a chain-smoking, tattoo-covered, sexually promiscuous, suicidally depressed, atheist Jew was transformed by Jesus. Listen as she explains her spiritual journey; the intellectual debates with herself as she questioned atheism, new age spirituality, God, and Jesus; and her metamorphosis from a stiff-necked cynic to a joyful new creation.

Real Recovery on Faith Radio

The search for finding the Truth – Adrienne’s story

Even passionate Atheists can find their way to Christianity and following Jesus with their whole heart, because God never stops pursuing. Adrienne was a spiritual seeker for some time before she finally became a spiritual finder, accepting the invitation to connect with God.

The Mental Illness Happy Hour Podcast

Adrienne Johnson (formerly Adrienne Selbert)

Raised by attentive, loving parents she nevertheless grew up with a pervasive feeling of emptiness that she sought to soothe through relationships with men. In her words, she “burnt her life to the ground,” but used the experience and pain to grow.

Fellowship for Performing Arts

Spring 2012 Fellowship Circle Newsletter

After I saw Max McLean on stage in FPA's production of The Screwtape Letters in January 2012, my life was forever changed. I contacted FPA to share my experience, which they published in their Spring 2012 Fellowship Circle Newsletter.