I was raised by loving, secular Jewish parents in Santa Monica, California, but rejected God at the young age of nine.  The next 20 years of my life were spent—one way or another—trying to fill what Blaise Pascal called the "infinite abyss" with everything around me, primarily, sex, romance, approval, and affirmation.  The result: a failed marriage, immense self-loathing, and bottomless despair.

Somehow in the midst of my adultery and clinical depression, I earned my Masters in Professional Writing from the University of Southern California and started a successful writing business with my husband.  But I threw that all away—together with any desire to put pen to paper for half a decade—when I destroyed my marriage.

Rejoicing Crushed Bones: How A Chain-Smoking, Tattoo-Covered, Sexually Promiscuous, Suicidally Depressed, Atheist Jew Was Transformed By Jesus is a real, honest recounting of my journey—complete with personality and the occasional dirty word—a naked testimony of salvation.  But more than simply tell this story, I invite you to delve into actual journal entries and emails, which chronicle the chaos in my head as I spiraled out of control; my healing writing exercises along my spiritual journey; the intellectual debates with myself as I questioned atheism, new age spirituality, God, and Jesus; and my metamorphosis from a stiff-necked cynic to a joyful new creation.